Family Connections is a program for youth, ages 6-17, and their families. It utilizes a licensed professional counselor to help the referred youth and their families work through deep rooted issues, change behavior patterns, and change outdated and false belief systems. Family Connections will help strengthen the family unit. It will teach skills that benefit both the family as a whole and each individual. The skills learned can lead to a decrease in disruptive behavior at school and home, reduce tendencies of runaway behavior at school and court referrals. Skills learned while in the program can also improve positive responses and academic achievement.
An initial assessment is set up with the referred youth and their family to determine the specific needs that are present. Once these needs have been established, an individual plan of care will be set up to ensure improvements in the area of the assessed needs. Sessions will take place within the home and at school.
This program is currently only available in Jones County, and is funded by the Jones County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council. If you are interested in services or learning more about this program, please contact our Craven office (which serves Jones County) at 252-633-2538.